pico-8 0.2.0
(c) 2014-20 lexaloffle games llp

> help.p8

Updating the database
If you wish to contribute to this database feel free to follow the steps bellow.

Updating a level
  1. Make sure you cleaned up your file. To do so press U when using the UneversalClassicTas tool.
  2. For minimum inputs make sure to not have more frames of an action than you need. The database will count those as seperate inputs.
  3. Replace your file in the correct folder. Folder structure is always game/category
  4. Optionally you might have to add a value to the file field, which should only include the name of the file, example TAS22.tas

Adding a new level to the Database
  1. Add a new file to the correct folder. The folder structure is always game/category
  2. Add to database.json under game under category a new object. It should look like:
     "name": "100m",
     "file": "TAS1.tas"
     "frames": "69"
  3. Add a "dashes":0 field for minDashes categories

Adding a new category to the database
  1. Under the game folder add a new folder with the name of your category without spaces or special categories
  2. Add to database.json a new array under your game's object. The name of the array has to be the same as the folder It should look like:
    "any": [
      "name": "100m",
      "file": "TAS1.tas"
     "name": "200m",
     "file": "TAS2.tas"
  3. Make a new index.html file in the new folder and copy paste (for example) Celeste classic's any% page then change it to fit the game/category.
  4. Add a link to the new category in the index.html of the game, just one folder above the category.
  5. Add all tas files in the category's folder

Adding a new game to the database
  1. At the top of this website make a new folder with the name of the game/mod without spaces or special categories, then a folder inside with the name of the category following the same naming rules as the game.
  2. Add to database.json a new object with the name of the game. The name of the object has to be the same as the folder, and so does the category inside it. An example is:
       "name": "100m",
       "file": "TAS1.tas"
  3. Add an index.html file in both the game's folder and the categories. You can use Celeste classic's page as a template for the game and it's any% page as a template for the category.
  4. Add all the neccesarry tas files in the category's page
  5. Add the game to the home page index.html just like all the other games.